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Friends and Flea Markets: Friends of Penn Treaty School Hold Flea Market & Craft Sale

  Friends of Penn Treaty School held its 2nd Annual Flea Market and Craft Sale on Saturday, June 2 along the outside of Penn Treaty School (600 E. Thompson St.).KilroyPennTreatyFleaMarket08

  Fidget spinners, the trending toy, were sold in boxes, waiting for a first spin. Down Thompson Street, guests stopped to smell handmade soy candles, which were sold alongside previously owned clothing.KilroyPennTreatyFleaMarket05

  Rev. Shawn Hyska of First Presbyterian Church (418 E. Girard Ave.) welcomed “old friends and new” to make colored sand necklaces in the forms of dolphins and crosses.KilroyPennTreatyFleaMarket04

  Visitors were able to make their own painted prints or purchase others’ Vincent Van Gogh- inspired paintings.

  Founder of the 12+ program Raymond John stopped by and took pictures at the Friends of Penn Treaty photo booth.KilroyPennTreatyFleaMarket06

  Children danced to the DJ, played giant Jenga, and paused to be decorated with glitter on Montgomery Ave. There was a lot of fun and games, but Sgt. John Massi at the 26th Police District table got down to business fingerprinting kids.KilroyPennTreatyFleaMarket01

  The smell of rain from earlier that morning was overpowered by the sweet, sugary aroma of cotton candy being stirred and served.

  For more information about Friends of Penn Treaty School and their upcoming events, please visit the Friends of Penn Treaty School Facebook page.

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